Pay Confidently

Declined cards can be a hassle, and rejected automatic payments can cost you in fees and credit scores. Overdraft protection transfers money from your savings account if your checking account runs short of funds. This way, true to Coast Guard form, you’ll always be prepared. Just give us a call or stop by a branch to get squared away.

  • Automatic transfers from savings

  • No declined cards or unpaid bills

  • Cover charges in financial emergencies

Also as available as a line of credit

A line of credit can cover charges when you don't have the cash. It's great for emergencies or months where you're a bit short.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. We'll cover up to 6 transfers per month from your savings to checking to handle overdraft issues. We do charge a small fee for each transfer to cover insufficient funds (typically much less than you would be charged by the merchant).

Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense. Use of Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or contribute DoD endorsement.